Live With Penny P. Parker

Best Birthday Ever

I always thought every birthday I ever had was my best birthday ever. I have lots of friends over and we have cake and ice cream and play games and sometimes there’s a lady painting faces and a bouncy house. It’s always so much fun. But I didn’t know that my best, best, best birthday ever was still to come. I’ll explain.

My dad had this incredible job offer in Paris for six months that he just couldn’t turn down. So, mom, me, nanny Franny and dad all packed up and headed to Paris. Wow, it was amazing. The Eiffel Tower, the famous museums. There was even a Disneyland Paris. Mom didn’t want me to miss any school, so she enrolled me in school in Paris while we were there. I made lots of nice friends. Everyone was having birthday parties and my friends asked me when my birthday was. I told them it was right before we came here. They asked me if I could have another birthday party so they could all come. I told them that we only have one birthday party a year, but that I would ask my mom. Mom thought it was an interesting idea and would think about it. Mom decided it was a great way to meet all my new friends, so she said YES!!!. HMMM, so what should we do for my birthday? Mom had this great idea. She said we already had this big party for me at home with lots of presents so let’s do something different. Instead of my friends bringing me presents, let’s have them bring presents for some other people. On the way to school each morning we pass a beautiful building called The Parks. It’s a place where older men and women live when they need some extra help with everyday living. They love company and mom was going to give them a call to see if they would like us to come over and visit and maybe have a little birthday party while we’re there. I thought this was a great idea and so did my friends. So, my friends brought presents and mom brought extra presents so everyone would have a gift to open. Mom had someone come in and do makeovers on all the women and the men had a checker tournament. We had ice cream and cake, and everyone sang happy birthday to me. They hugged us all and thanked us over and over for making this such a special day for them. This was the best, best, best birthday ever just seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces. 

Riddles sent from.

Beverly from Montana.

I sit in the corner while traveling around the world.

What am I?

A Stamp.

Collin from South Dakota.

I’m pinched by Grandma’s and Aunts.

What am I?


Favorite snacks.

Rachel from Alaska.

I love Goldfish with apple slices.

Sammy from Canada.

My favorite snack is pizza, pizza, and more pizza. What could be better.

Pizza, I love pizza. I wonder what mom’s making for my snack today?

This is Penny P. Parker signing off until next time.

Over and Out.