Live With Penny P. Parker


Hello again. It’s me Penny P. Parker, your host for this blog. I am so   excited. I don’t know where to start first. I got so many messages from you all sending me recipes for your favorite snacks and sending me your favorite jokes and riddles. Thanks everyone.  I’ll start posting them on my blog today. 

Today’s topic is called CRAYONS.

A friend and I were drawing a poster for art class and she was saying how boring the colors in the crayon box are. I thought about what she said for a minute and said, we can’t change the colors but maybe we can change the name of the colors and they won’t seem so boring then. We both thought it was a great idea. Let’s give it a try. There are so many colors, but we’ll start with these first.

Red, Green, Brown, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Purple, White and black.

Red…Let’s see. There’s tomato red, apple red, cherry red, watermelon red and how about fire engine red. That’s a good one.

Green…There’s broccoli green, grass green and honeydew green.

Brown…Chocolate chip brown, chocolate chip ice cream brown and tootsie roll brown.

Yellow…Banana yellow and school bus yellow.

Orange…Pumpkin orange, sweet potato orange and goldfish orange.

Blue…Blueberry blue. I can’t think of another blue. Maybe you can.

Purple…Plum purple.

White…Marshmallow white.

Black…How about jellybean black.

I’m going to try out some of these new names later. I’ll ask mom to help me cut pieces of masking tape and print the names of the new colors on each piece of tape and then wrap the masking tape with the new color name around each crayon. And then when I start to color again, I’ll have a new and exciting color to use. That sounds good to me. You should give it a try.

So, I said I would post some of the jokes and riddles that some of you guys sent me.

 Here’s one from …

Charlotte from Georgia.

I am soft and fluffy.

I rub against people.

I say ‘’Meow, Meow.’’

What am?

A cat. Yay you got it right.

Andrew from Colorado.

We live in shells.

We eat bugs and fruit.

Some of us snap.

What are we?

Turtles. Right again.

Favorite Snacks

David from Miami.

Cut a piece of celery in half, fill the center with peanut butter or cream cheese if your allergic to peanut butter. Then take 4 raisins and spread them on the peanut butter or cream cheese and chomp away. I love crunchy food.

Emery from Virginia.

My very, very favorite snack is ice cream. I put a scoop each of vanilla and chocolate and banana ice cream in a bowl. I cut up a banana and some strawberries and then I put lots of marshmallow cream on top and sprinkle a handful of M&M’S on the marshmallow. It’s sooo good.

I guess I’d better be going. All this food talk is making me hungry.

This is Penny P. Parker signing off until next time.

Over and Out.