Live With Penny P. Parker

The Weatherman Got It Wrong

It’s 80 degrees outside. The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day for the
beach. That’s the latest weather report from station BRSQ, so my mom
and me and Puppy are going to the beach today. Dad’s working and
nanny doesn’t like the sand, so it’s just the three of us. Mom packed
lunch and lots of things to play with on the beach. We should be there
soon, and oh no, it’s starting to rain. I don’t understand. The weather
person said it was going to be a beautiful sunny day today. Why was he
wrong? Is he not very smart? Maybe he should go back to weather
learning school. Mom says sometimes the weather just doesn’t know
what it wants to do. Well, if I were a weather person, I would have a
talk with the sun and the clouds before each weather report. I would
give them a reason to be right all the time. Just like in school when the
teacher gives us a star for getting good grades, I would give them a star
each time they listened to the weather person and when the weather
person said it was sunny the sun would say okay today if I am sunny all
day, I will get a star. And the cloud would say if the weatherman says
it’s going to rain today, I would say okay I have to rain all day today and
I will get a star. That seems easy. I think I’ll send an email to the
weather station BRSQ and tell them how to fix the problem.
Sometimes mom reads my blog as I write it. She has not stopped

laughing. Did I say something funny?

Trivia questions.
Claudia from Alabama.

Whose nose grew longer every time he lied?


Clyde from Detroit.

If you freeze water what do you get?


Favorite snacks from.
Tricia from Oklahoma.

Peanut butter sandwich with sliced strawberries or sometimes with

honey and raisins.
Todd from California.

Turkey sandwich on rye bread with a dressing for the bread made with

ketchup and mayonnaise. So good!

It’s about that time again. My mom has my snack ready.
This is Penny P. Parker signing off until next time.

Over and Out.